— by EU —
  • Project Designation: Empreendedorismo Qualificado e Criativo
  • Project Code: CENTRO-02-0651-FEDER-019205
  • Main Objective: Reinforce the competitivity of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Area of intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Micro Precision, SA
  • Date of approval: 10-03-2017
  • Start: 01-04-2016
  • Conclusion: 31-03-2018
  • Total Elegible Cost: 2.989.500,00€
  • UE Financial Support: 2.092.650,00€


Project Title: Foundation of a micro and nanotechnology unit for production of high dimensional rigor moulds



This project will enable DRT Micro Precision to develop intensive production activities in the precision molding industry, with a strong incorporation of national added value, enabling the increase of its production capacity, innovation, export qualifying its assets specifically for this purpose.


This project will be carried out through a set of initiatives and investments which will have substantial repercussions on the company technological and productive, organizational and marketing capacity. The set of expenses foreseen for this project is related with 3 types of innovation activities, to be implemented in the company, namely:

  • Technological Innovation (production and process): summed in the incorporation of high end technology (micro and nanotechnology) able to sustain the development of advanced products with high dimensional rigor, enabling the placement in the market of differentiating and high quality solutions;
  • Organizational Innovation: summed by the integrated and automated control of the production process, with intrinsic efficient use of raw material, waste reduction, increase in the process reliability with the integration of new technical staff and tools for Quality Management (ISO 9001);
  • Marketing Innovation: summed by the analysis and definition of corporate image, establishment of its digital presence and registration of its brand.


Particularly, this project with allow the company to operationalize its growth strategy through its capacitation with the technological resources necessary to the development of moulds and tools with small dimensions and high dimensional rigor, ensuring the following objectives:

  1. Endow the company with the technological means (micro and nanotechnology) for an integrated offer (product/service), with greater added value for a market with high demand (high precision moulds);
  2. Instituting productive capacity and competitiveness in the market;
  3. Penetrate the national and international market, particularly, in areas such as health/medical industry, electronic and fragrance/cosmetics, or in others in which the dimensional rigor is crucial.
  • Project Designation: Qualificação das PME
  • Project Code: CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-021430
  • Main Objective: Reinforce the competitivity of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Area of Intervention: Center of Portugal
  • Beneficiary: DRT Micro Precision, SA
  • Date of approval: 08-02-2017
  • Start: 25-05-2016
  • Conclusion: 24-05-2018
  • Total Elegible Cost: 387.863,50€
  • UE Financial Support: 174.538,58€


Project Title: Create advanced skills for the development and engineering of high quality products and implementation of new methods of organization and interactions with the market.

This project will capacitate DRT Micro Precision for the development and engineering of high quality products and implementation of new methods of organization and interactions with the market, as to leverage its strategic management, innovation and internationalization capabilities.

  1. Particularly, this project will enable the company to operationalize its growth strategy through its capacitation in imaterial areas of competitivity which will allow the achievment of the following objectives:
  2. Endow the company with competences to product development, processes and quality services with added value, intended for a market with high demand (high precision moulds);
  3. Instituting organization, management and market interaction capabilities to increase the companys competitivity, flexibility and market responsiveness;

Penetrate the national and internationl market, particularly, in areas such as health/medical inustry, electronic and fragrance/cosmetics, or in others in which the dimensional rigor is crucial.

This project will be carried out through a set of initiatives and investments which will have substantial repercussions on their organizational and marketing capacity. The set of expenses foreseen for this project is related with 5 series of operations, to be implemented in the company and aimed at its qualification, namely:

  • Product development and engineering, services and processes
  • Quality
  • Organization and management Innovation
  • Branding and design
  • Digital economy and IT.
Banner COMPETE2020_cor_transparente
  • Project No. POCI-02-0853-FEDER-041245
  • Incentive System “SME Qualification – Joint Projects”
  • Promoter: NERLEI – Business Association of the Leiria Region
  • Approved total eligible cost: €2,082,941.17
  • Financing from the European Regional Development Fund: €1,150,824.99
  • Execution period: from 2019-12-02 to 2022-10-01


Support and enhance the process of preparing SMEs for the challenges of Industry 4.0 by strengthening their organizational and management skills. This reinforcement will be done by focusing on human resources, management, strategy, innovation, efficiency and marketing with a view to promoting productivity and organizational competitiveness in companies.

This project is financed at a rate of 50% and aims to support 50 companies intervening in the following intangible areas of competitiveness:

  • Organizational innovation and management: through the introduction of new methods or new philosophies of work organization and the reinforcement of management capacities, namely through the implementation of strategic management models and waste reduction methodologies as a way of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of companies. companies.
  • Digital economy and information and communication technologies (ICT): we aim to adapt business models with greater use of ICT, namely with regard to the use of digital tools, improving their visibility and positioning.
  • Creation of brands and design: We intend to support companies to restructure the design of their brands, making them more appealing and versatile and therefore more competitive.
  • Eco-innovation: We intend to promote a more efficient use of resources, reducing waste and increasing competitiveness.

Main actions:

  • Support for adherence to Industry 4.0 – Digital Economy, in 17 companies;
  • Support for adherence to industry 4.0 – Logistics and Production Operations, in 10 companies;
  • Support for adherence to industry 4.0 – Conversion of Industrial Activity / Development of New Products/Services, in 5 companies;
  • Support for adherence to Industry 4.0 – System Interoperability, in 15 companies;
  • Planning and management control, in 20 companies;
  • Organizational performance assessment and management system in 18 companies;
  • Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard methodology in 5 companies:
  • Implementation of Lean Management, in 5 companies;
  • Implementation of Eco-Innovation, in 7 companies;
  • Brand restructuring plan in 7 companies;
  • Implementation of management software in 27 companies.
  • Complementarily, we will also have support for digital markets (promotional video creation), IT equipment and Software Acquisition

Geographical location: This project can be developed at NUTS II (Center)

  • Acronym: SMARTool
  • Designation: Multi-Protocol Modular System for Preventive and Predictive Maintenance of Machines, Industrial and Other Equipment and Tools
  • Universal Project Code: CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-047116
  • Objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Main Promoter: DRT Advance, S.A.
  • Co-promoter: DRT Micro Precision, S.A.
  • Co-promoter: Total Centralinas, Lda
  • Co-promoter: Polytechnic of Leiria


  • Approval Date: 18/12/2020
  • Start Date: 01/01/2021
  • End Date: 30/06/2023
  • Total Investment: 1.686.300,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 1.658.633,19€
  • UE Financial Support: 1.139.114,36€


The R&D project aims to create an innovative solution consisting of a two-component system (hardware + software) complementary to each other. The hardware component is modular, multi-protocol in the acquisition and transmission of information to the Cloud, aimed at obtaining Big Data. The software component is responsible for the analysis and processing of information stored in the Cloud using Data Mining techniques and advanced algorithms of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and “Internet of Things” (IoT). The integration of the two components provides a system for preventive and predictive maintenance applications of industrial machinery, equipment and tools and others like vehicles.

Moreover, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms will enable, among other features, the system with the ability to define, based on data collected from industrial machinery, equipment and tools, profiles for devices and users. This innovative feature has enormous potential for sectors where the user profile is critical, such as insurance, banking, fleet management and others for risk assessment purposes.

The project consists of a set of industrial research and experimental development activities with the purpose of defining the requirements and technical specifications of the solution, developing the design and project of hardware, firmware and software, building functional prototypes, and conducting usability, strength and safety tests, as well as promote and disseminate the project results.

The project consortium comprises three private companies (DRT ADVANCE S.A., DRT MICRO PRECISION, S.A. and TOTAL CENTRALINAS LDA) and one public educational organization (Polytechnic of Leiria), forming a “complete” consortium, which complement each other to meet all project needs ensuring the research success.

  • Project Designation: DRT Micro – Greener Energy
  • Project Reference: 3535
  • Call Nr.: 03/C11-i01/2022
  • Objective: Support for Industry Decarbonization (Mode A)
  • Project Localization: NUTSII – Centro
  • Promoter: DRT Micro Precision, Lda
  • Approval Date: 2023-04-14
  • Start Date: 2023-02-01
  • End Date: 2023-12-31
  • Total Investment: 56.000,00€
  • Eligible Investment: 56.000,00€
  • Financial Support: 47.600,00€

Within the scope of this operation, DRT MICRO PRECISION, Lda intends to improve its energy performance, through the installation of a renewable energy production system on a self-consumption basis, reducing its energy independence and the inherent gas emissions with greenhouse effect (GHG) and contributing to the reduction of the energy and carbon intensity of industry assumed by Portugal.

To properly carry out the implementation, DRT MICRO resorted to hiring specialized technical services, namely to carry out energy diagnosis and technical support for the completion of the operation.

The measures to be implemented fall within the following intervention typology in the Notice of Application: 1. Incorporation of energy from renewable sources and energy storage (C11-i01.m03).

The implementation of the operation will reduce DRT MICRO's energy consumption (and costs) and GHG emissions, increasing its competitiveness and contributing to the pursuit of the specific objectives set out in the “Recovery and Resilience Mechanism” approved by Regulation (EU) 2021 /241 of the European Parliament and the Council, of February 12, 2021.